Network of shows full of stories and observations on the World, how to improve it, or simply just observing the humor in life, in the News, the Internet, Music and Sports to help educate, inform and entertain.
Topics include: *Domino's Pizza latest ad campaign. *20 year cycle of using 3-D in movies and soon television. *What actually makes sports entertaining? *The News you didn't know you needed to know, including Three Mile Island and The Mars Rover. *Adam plugs his new book "Destiny's Playground". *Plus listener comments *And much, much more. Enjoy! We encourage comments about the program! Use the Shout box on the sidebar or click Comments for The Radioaffliction!
I really love the News sometimes, and I am bewildered why this wasn't reported more. President Cristina Fernandez(babe #2 in politics, the Prime Minister of The Ukraine is #1) of Argentina in a speech to help promote pork farms in her country said that Pork is better than Viagra with what I hope will be a famous quote where she said she recently ate pork and "things went very well that weekend, so it could well be true."
Can you imagine if President Obama said something like that: "I just ate some Pork and Michelle and I had a hell of a weekend."
Very sad, but NASA got six more years out of this than they thought. But to think that this little guy is just sitting still functional makes me feel bad. Think of it as WALL-E stuck in sand and he can't get out. Sorry didn't mean to bum you out; back to real news, do you think Brett Favre will retire for real this time?!?
Are you kidding me? Is this a real report? You are honestly telling me there were no rooms at the local Holiday Inn? The only place available is to stay at Brett Favre's ranch! This begs the question, will Brett Favre retire?
This should be a bigger deal! At the very least ESPN should be putting this on their bottom line, especially since they actually covered the match(when they were actually showing sports!)! Way to go Kelly!
Holy Crap! I know that there is a shortage of Priests, but my first impression is that the Priesthood and the Catholic Church will always be there. Your chance to play Baseball is a limited window that seems to be open for him. But who am I to say what a young man should do. If he feels he is getting the call, that is a hard one to say take a message.
There is a scene from "World According to Garp" when they are looking at a house and a small plane crashes into it. They decide to take the house because they figure that something like that can never happen again(or what are the odds of that happening again).
So why not reuse a generator that hasn't been used in 31 years that was part of a reactor that had a stuck valve that led to a partial meltdown. Now what are the chances of anything bad ever happening again?
Okay, near death is still alive and that means the brain is still working and electricity is still flowing. I am not trying to be a denialist but I am not sure the science in.
This had as much shock value as Mark McGwire admitting he used steroids. Mr. Edwards could have come clean with this a long time ago.
I am also posting a link that suggests that The National Enquirer should win a Pulitzer Prize for their reporting of the Edwards "Affair" and that his admission of fathering the child vindicates their reporting. Seems unlikely but if a Republican can win in Massachusetts then anything is possible!
Nice article and in my opinion if France wants it back they can have it. In that case they better drop the Croissants and get over there and help out, otherwise put a lid on it(which is a nice way of saying "Shut UP").
The deals are getting better, but there is still more the companies can do. This effects the unlimited talk plans while they still require data plans on top of that. With more data use there is less talking so you are still spending $100 a month, but this could be a ploy to get people to talk more and use less data(as reported on The Radioaffliction!).
Don't go to a thrift store, garage sale, pawn shop or flea market until you have checked in with The Bummin Cousins Peter A. Clay and Jim Reid.
How to buy it, use it and how to get rid of it.
In this episode with The Bummin Cousins:
*A brief review of what bummin means to us
*Are Thrift Stores raising prices in the bad economy?
*What items are we seeing the most at Thrift Stores all the time.
*What can you find at a Pawn Shop.
*Highlights of our latest bummin trips
*Preview of upcoming shows as flea market season is just around the corner.
Continuation from yesterdays discussion, but I love this quote from Conan in his monologue on what options he has:
"Go to ABC and star in a male redhead version of 'Cougar Town' called 'Redwolf Village,'" "Convince NBC to let me keep this time slot if I can gain 10 pounds of chin" and "Leave television altogether and work in a classier business with better people, like hard core porn."
What a shocker! Now the only one in denial is Cardinals Manager Tony LaRussa who claims that he first knew about it was this morning when McGwire called him. Now the other item to deal with is that even with the Steroids issue, McGwire is not a Hall of Famer.
This could be the end for NBC. This was not supposed to be about ratings this was about saving money instead of the cost of 5 hours of programming(mostly dramas).
It seems like everyone who wants NBC to fail on this was making noise(like CBS) and that freaked out some local NBC affiliates who threatened to air alternate programming.
NBC is in such a no win situation and so many ego's are now in play.
So now NBC's grand idea is to have Jay Leno on for 30 minutes(!?!), then the Tonight Show(which in some parts of the country in will be on at Midnight which is no longer tonight), and then Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
NBC does have the Olympics coming up and that could buy some time for programming in that time slot, but here is my award winning solution for NBC for the remainder of the TV season(appox. early September).
Cut your losses with Leno and instead of repeats of Heroes or Law and Order and please no more stupid News programs. In the 10pm(EST) slot play classic NBC shows from the Past(to remind us that NBC was once a great network).
Little House on the Prairie on Mondays, A-Team on Tuesdays, L.A. Law on Wednesday, Cheers and Seinfeld on Thursday and Bonanza on Friday.
It's just a thought and no worse than Jay Leno!
Seriously! The premiere of Lost is more important than the Presidents State of the Union. Let's just think about that for a little while and get back to me.
Freed from his liberal base and moneyed donors, Sen. Chris Dodd can now cast himself as the honest broker in negotiations over a massive Wall Street regulation bill.
This is an interesting analysis for ABC News Jim Kuhnhenn, but I can't help but snicker when I read this. That somehow honesty and integrity can only occur when you are without a base or donor or therefore an agenda.
My guess is that a politician can leave politics, but the politics doesn't leave the Politician.
Just like the previous post, the picture says it all.
Wow I don't know what to say about this story. It seems that South Africa has come so far in a short time, but looks like it still has a ways to go. Here is the Wikipedia article on this clown. Apparently Polygamy is the least of his vices. At least they have the World Cup this summer.
I may be wrong. But maybe we have enough on our plates right now. In this case maybe we should let Iran take care of Iran and the problem might fix itself. Follow Iran on Twitter and you decide. Maybe Sen. Kerry should worry more about the Heinz trust fund.
It seems kind of hokey. But what ever it will take for ESPN to show sports(stop talking about it, and stop showing 12 hours of Sportscenter) I am in favor it.